• Sakib Mahmud Khan, Mashrur Chowdhury, Linh B Ngo, Amy Apon. Multi-class twitter data categorization and geocoding with a novel computing framework. Cities. 2020


  • Assel Mukasheva, Nurbek Saparkhojayev, Zhanay Akanov, Amy Apon, Sanjay Kalra. Forecasting the prevalence of diabetes mellitus using econometric models. Diabetes Therapy. 2019
  • Brandon Posey, Adam Deer, Wyatt Gorman, Vanessa July, Neeraj Kanhere, Dan Speck, Boyd Wilson, Amy Apon. On-demand urgent high performance computing utilizing the google cloud platform. 2019 ieee/acm hpc for urgent decision making (urgenthpc). 2019
  • Craig A Stewart, Amy Apon, David Y Hancock, Thomas Furlani, Alan Sill, Julie Wernert, David Lifka, Nicholas Berente, Thomas Cheatham, Shawn D Slavin. Assessment of non-financial returns on cyberinfrastructure: A survey of current methods. Proceedings of the humans in the loop: Enabling and facilitating research on cloud computing. 2019
  • Ryan S DeFever, Walter Hanger, Sapna Sarupria, Jon Kilgannon, Amy W Apon, Linh B Ngo. Building a scalable forward flux sampling framework using big data and hpc. Proceedings of the practice and experience in advanced research computing on rise of the machines (learning). 2019
  • Craig A Stewart, David Y Hancock, Julie Wernert, Thomas Furlani, David Lifka, Alan Sill, Nicholas Berente, Donald F McMullen, Thomas Cheatham, Amy Apon, others. Assessment of financial returns on investments in cyberinfrastructure facilities: A survey of current methods. Proceedings of the practice and experience in advanced research computing on rise of the machines (learning). 2019
  • Mhafuzul Islam, Mizanur Rahman, Mashrur Chowdhury, Gurcan Comert, Eshaa Deepak Sood, Amy Apon. Vision-based pedestrian alert safety system (pass) for signalized intersections. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.05284. 2019
  • Robert Underwood, Jon Calhoun, Amy Apon. Predicting optimal error-bounded-lossy-compression (eblc) configuration. . 2019


  • Brandon Posey, Christopher Gropp, Boyd Wilson, Boyd McGeachie, Sanjay Padhi, Alexander Herzog, Amy Apon. Addressing the challenges of executing a massive computational cluster in the cloud. 2018 18th ieee/acm international symposium on cluster, cloud and grid computing (ccgrid). 2018
  • Brandon Posey, Linh Bao Ngo, Mashrur Chowdhury, Amy Apon. Infrastructure for transportation cyber-physical systems. Transportation cyber-physical systems. 2018
  • Robert Underwood, Jason Anderson, Amy Apon. Measuring network latency variation impacts to high performance computing application performance. Proceedings of the 2018 acm/spec international conference on performance engineering. 2018
  • A. Srivastava, D. Nguyen, S. Aggarwal, A. Luckow, E. Duffy, K. Kennedy, M. Ziolkowski, A. Apon. Performance and memory trade-offs of deep learning object detection in fast streaming high-definition images. 2018 ieee international conference on big data (big data). December 2018
  • D. Nguyen, A. Luckow, E. Duffy, K. Kennedy, A. Apon. Evaluation of highly available cloud streaming systems for performance and price. 2018 18th ieee/acm international symposium on cluster, cloud and grid computing (ccgrid). May 2018
  • Y. Du, M. Chowdhury, M. Rahman, K. Dey, A. Apon, A. Luckow, L. B. Ngo. A distributed message delivery infrastructure for connected vehicle technology applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2018
  • Venkat Gudivada, Amy Apon, Dhana L. Rao Rao. Database sysetms for big data storage and retrieval. Handbook of research on big data storage and visualization techniques. 2018


  • Yuheng Du, Mashrur Chowdhury, Mizanur Rahman, Kakan Dey, Amy Apon, Andre Luckow, Linh Bao Ngo. A distributed message delivery infrastructure for connected vehicle technology applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017
  • Jason Anderson, Christopher Gropp, Linh Ngo, Amy W Apon. Random access in nondelimited variable-length record collections for parallel reading with hadoop. . 2017
  • Mashrur Chowdhury, Amy Apon, Kakan Dey. Data analytics for intelligent transportation systems. . 2017
  • Yuheng Du, Alexander Herzog, Andre Luckow, Ramu Nerella, Christopher Gropp, Amy Apon. Representativeness of latent Dirichlet allocation topics estimated from data samples with application to Common Crawl. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. 2017
  • Neela Avudaiappan, Alexander Herzog, Sneha Kadam, Yuheng Du, Jason Thatcher, Ilya Safro. Detecting and summarizing emergent events in microblogs and social media streams by dynamic centralities. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. 2017
  • Brandon Posey, Christopher Gropp, Alexander Herzog, Amy Apon. Automated cluster provisioning and workflow management for parallel scientific applications in the cloud. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers (MTAGS). 2017
  • Y. Du, M. Chowdhury, M. Rahman, K. Dey, A. Apon, A. Luckow, L. B. Ngo. A distributed message delivery infrastructure for connected vehicle technology applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017


  • Jason Anderson, Hongxin Hu, Udit Agarwal, Craig Lowery, Hongda Li, Amy Apon. Performance considerations of network functions virtualization using containers. 2016 international conference on computing, networking and communications (icnc). 2016
  • Chris Gropp, Alexander Herzog, Ilya Safro, Paul W. Wilson, Amy W. Apon. Scalable dynamic topic modeling with clustered latent dirichlet allocation (CLDA). CoRR. 2016


  • Amy W Apon. Experimentation as a tool for the performance evaluation of big data systems. Proceedings of the 1st workshop on performance analysis of big data systems. 2015
  • Amy W Apon, Linh B Ngo, Michael E Payne, Paul W Wilson. Assessing the effect of high performance computing capabilities on academic research output. Empirical Economics. 2015
  • A. Luckow, K. Kennedy, F. Manhardt, E. Djerekarov, B. Vorster, A. Apon. Automotive big data: Applications, workloads and infrastructures. Big data (big data), 2015 ieee international conference on. October 2015
  • Kelsey Lantz, Sakib Khan, Linh B Ngo, Mashrur Chowdhury, Sarah Donaher, Amy Apon. Potentials of online media and location-based big data for urban transit networks in developing countries. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2015
  • Mei Liang, Cesar Trejo, Lavanya Muthu, Linh B Ngo, Andre Luckow, Amy W Apon. Evaluating r-based big data analytic frameworks. Institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc.. 2015
  • Andre Luckow, Ken Kennedy, Fabian Manhardt, Emil Djerekarov, Bennie Vorster, Amy Apon. Automotive big data: Applications, workloads and infrastructures. Big data (big data), 2015 ieee international conference on. 2015
  • Linh B Ngo, Michael E Payne, Flavio Villanustre, Richard Taylor, Amy W Apon. Dynamic provisioning of data intensive computing middleware frameworks: A case study. Proceedings of the 1st workshop on the science of cyberinfrastructure: Research, experience, applications and models. 2015
  • William Clay Moody. Designing, building, and modeling maneuverable applications within shared computing resources. . 2015


  • J. W. Anderson, K. E. Kennedy, L. B. Ngo, A. Luckow, A. W. Apon. Synthetic data generation for the internet of things. Big data (big data), 2014 ieee international conference on. October 2014
  • L. B. Ngo, E. B. Duffy, A. W. Apon. Teaching hdfs/mapreduce systems concepts to undergraduates. Parallel distributed processing symposium workshops (ipdpsw), 2014 ieee international. May 2014
  • William Clay Moody, Hongxin Hu, Amy Apon. Defensive maneuver cyber platform modeling with stochastic petri nets. Collaborative computing: Networking, applications and worksharing (collaboratecom), 2014 international conference on. 2014
  • M. E. Payne, L. B. Ngo, F. Villanustre, A. W. Apon. Managing the academic data lifecycle: A case study of hpcc. Big data (big data), 2014 ieee international conference on. October 2014
  • M. E. Payne, L. B. Ngo, F. Villanustre, A. W. Apon. Managing the academic data lifecycle: A case study of hpcc. Big data (big data), 2014 ieee international conference on. October 2014
  • Michael E Payne, Linh B Ngo, Flavio Villanustre, Amy W Apon. Managing the academic data lifecycle: A case study of hpcc. Big data (big data), 2014 ieee international conference on. 2014


  • Amy Apon, Linh Bao Ngo, Michael E Payne, Paul W Wilson. Efficiency as a measure of knowledge production of research universities. The atlanta conference on science of science and innovation policy. 2013
  • Wesley Emeneker, Amy Apon. On modeling contention for shared caches in multi-core processors with techniques from ecology. Natural Computing. 2013
  • Hai Nguyen, Amy Apon. A component-based end-to-end simulation of the linux file system. Software & Systems Modeling. 2013
  • W. C. Moody, L. B. Ngo, E. Duffy, A. Apon. JUMMP: Job uninterrupted maneuverable mapreduce platform. 2013 ieee international conference on cluster computing (cluster). 2013
  • M. E. Payne, L. B. Ngo, A. W. Apon. Academic publishing as a social media paradigm. Big data, 2013 ieee international conference on. October 2013
  • M. E. Payne, L. B. Ngo, A. W. Apon. Academic publishing as a social media paradigm. Big data, 2013 ieee international conference on. October 2013
  • Michael E Payne, Linh B Ngo, Amy W Apon. Academic publishing as a social media paradigm. Big data, 2013 ieee international conference on. 2013
  • Pengfei Xuan, Yueli Zheng, Sapna Sarupria, Amy Apon. SciFlow: A dataflow-driven model architecture for scientific computing using hadoop. Big data, 2013 ieee international conference on. 2013


  • Wesley Emeneker, Amy Apon. Characterising the performance of cache–aware placement of virtual machines on a multi–core architecture. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. 2012
  • Linh Ngo, Vijay Dantuluri, Michael Stealey, Stan Ahalt, Amy Apon. An architecture for mining and visualization of us higher educational data. Information technology: New generations (itng), 2012 ninth international conference on. 2012
  • Linh Bao Ngo, Amy Apon, Doug Hoffman. An empirical study on forecasting using decomposed arrival data of an enterprise computing system. Information technology: New generations (itng), 2012 ninth international conference on. 2012
  • Hai Quang Nguyen, Amy Apon. Parallel file system measurement and modeling using colored petri nets. Proceedings of the 3rd acm/spec international conference on performance engineering. 2012