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cs.clemson.edu (EmacsOS 1.0) 13:37

acm@cs.clemson.edu ~ $ 

Community Events

We strive to offer events that build community amongst computer scientists here at Clemson. To this end we host several community building events each semester. For dates for these events, check out our calendar.

We also attend Tiger Prowl and the CECAS Student Involvement Fair annually.

Special Topics

About once a month, we hold a special topics meeting where we have an undergraduate or graduate student speak. This provides a low-pressure environment for students to share their research, their projects, or topics they find interesting that may not be covered in our classes.

Guest Speakers

About once a month, we have a guest speaker come and present to us about a topic of their choice. Our speakers are industry professionals, academics, and anyone else with interesting experience in computing they want to share.

If you think you fit that description and you’re interested in giving a talk, email us at acm@cs.clemson.edu.

Project Showcases

Once per semester, we hold project showcases where we invite our members to demonstrate what they’ve been working on recently. This is a great way to receive constructive feedback and to find others who are interested in collaborating.

Social Events

To fill the gaps between our other events, we often hold community-building events to provide a place to chill and meet other members. This is a great way to engage with the computing community at Clemson with less formality and decide if our organization is the place for you.